On Monday, January 30, the New Jersey Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee is scheduled to consider Assembly Bill 588 and Assembly Bill 1013. The hearing will be held at 2:00 p.m. in Committee Room 16, 4th Floor, State House Annex in Trenton.
Georgia: State Senator Introduces NRA-Backed Legislation to Save Seized Firearms
Yesterday, state Senator Don Balfour (R-9) introduced NRA-backed legislation, Senate Bill 350. SB 350 would require local and state police authorities to return seized firearms, not currently being held as evidence in a criminal investigation, to the lawful owner if able.
Virginia: House Subcommittee Passes Five Pro-Gun Bills!
Yesterday, the House Militia, Police and Public Safety Subcommittee #1 worked through a slate of gun-related legislation and unanimously passed five pro-gun bills: House Bill 20, House Bill 22, House Bill 26, House Bill 375 and House Bill 940. This subcommittee also failed to report the two anti-gun bills: House Bill 364 and House Bill 458.
D.C. City Council Public Hearing Concerning Firearms Amendment Act of 2011!
On Monday, January 30, the District of Columbia City Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing on Bill 19-614, the Firearms Amendment Act of 2011. This hearing will be held at 11:00 a.m. in the Council Chamber of the John A. Wilson Building.
South Dakota: House Judiciary Committee to Hear Employee Protection Legislation on Monday, January 30!
On Monday, January 30, NRA-backed legislation that would prohibit employers from preventing employees from lawfully storing firearms in their locked personal vehicles will be heard in the state House Judiciary Committee. Introduced by House Speaker Val Rausch (R-4) and sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Russell Olson (R-8), House Bill 1132 is one of the NRA’s top priorities in this legislative session.
Virginia: Senate Passes Historic Sunday Hunting Legislation!
New Mexico: Pro-Gun Legislation Being Considered by Legislature!
Washington: Two Pro-Gun Bills Could be Heard in House Committee on Monday
House Bill 1508, a shooting range protection bill, and House Bill 2471, a background check reform bill, are scheduled for an executive session and could be voted on by the House Judiciary Committee this Monday, January 30, at 1:30 p.m. in Hearing Room A of the John L. O’Brien Building in Olympia.
Nebraska: Critical Castle Doctrine Bill Heard in Committee
Yesterday, Legislative Bill 804 was heard by the Judiciary Committee. Favorable testimony was given by representatives of the NRA, as well as the NRA’s state association and concerned citizens who see the absolute need for this important legislation.
Georgia: Pro-Hunting Bill Passes Unanimously in Senate Committee!
Yesterday, NRA-backed Senate Bill 301 passed unanimously in the state Senate Natural Resources & the Environment Committee! This bill now goes to the Senate floor.