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Virginia: Sunday Hunting Tabled for Remainder of 2012 Legislative Session

Today, the state House Natural Resources Subcommittee tabled Senate Bill 464 for the rest of this current legislative session.  SB 464, sponsored by state Senator Ralph Northam (D-6), would have allowed hunting on private land and public waterways on Sundays.

Virginia: Sunday Hunting Tabled for Remainder of 2012 Legislative Session

Today, the state House Natural Resources Subcommittee tabled Senate Bill 464 for the rest of this current legislative session.  SB 464, sponsored by state Senator Ralph Northam (D-6), would have allowed hunting on private land and public waterways on Sundays.

Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission Opens Public Comment Period for Allowing Suppressor Use While Hunting

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (TPWC) is seeking public comment on a proposed rule change allowing the use of suppressors (also referred to as silencers) on firearms for the hunting of game species.  Currently, Texas law permits the use of lawfully-possessed suppressors for all other shooting activities, including the taking of nuisance species.  Enactment of this rule change would ensure that hunting is treated the same way as other shooting activities with respect to the use of suppressors, and allow all hunters to reap the many benefits suppressor use provides.

Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission Opens Public Comment Period for Allowing Suppressor Use While Hunting

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (TPWC) is seeking public comment on a proposed rule change allowing the use of suppressors (also referred to as silencers) on firearms for the hunting of game species.  Currently, Texas law permits the use of lawfully-possessed suppressors for all other shooting activities, including the taking of nuisance species.  Enactment of this rule change would ensure that hunting is treated the same way as other shooting activities with respect to the use of suppressors, and allow all hunters to reap the many benefits suppressor use provides.

Maine: Employee Protection Bill Moves to the House Floor

On Monday, LD 1603 was voted “ought to pass” as amended by an 8 to 5 vote by the Maine Joint Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee.  LD 1603 will now go to the House floor for consideration.  Big business lobbyists are waging an aggressive campaign to defeat LD 1603.  This legislation would protect the right of a state employee, who has a valid permit to carry a concealed firearm, to keep a firearm in his or her private vehicle for self-defense, hunting, or target shooting before or after work.  The employee’s vehicle must be locked and the firearm cannot be visible. 

Nebraska: Employee Protection Legislation to be Heard in Committee

Legislative Bill 785 has been scheduled to be heard in the Judiciary Committee next Wednesday, February 22, at 1:30 p.m. in Room 1113 of the Nebraska Capitol.

Nebraska: Employee Protection Legislation to be Heard in Committee

Legislative Bill 785 has been scheduled to be heard in the Judiciary Committee next Wednesday, February 22, at 1:30 p.m. in Room 1113 of the Nebraska Capitol.

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New York City: Pistol whipped

Getting prosecuted under New York’s gun laws is a nonsensical crapshoot, where gangsters get their cases expunged and thugs can turn in illegal weapons for $200 — but a weapon that’s legally registered elsewhere can brand a citizen as a criminal for life.