Wayne LaPierre: Media won’t win this election, gun owners will

During his CPAC speech this afternoon, Executive Vice President of the National Rifle Association Wayne LaPierre made clear that a second term for President Obama means a full blown attack on the Second Amendment. He also warned the NRA will do whatever it takes to prevent his reelection.

California: Ignorance of law clears Orange County Sheriff’s top lobbyist in gun controversy

Ignorance of the law helped clear Sheriff Jerry Demings’ political lobbyist of wrongdoing for handing out gun owners’ restricted driver’s license photos last year in Tallahassee to lobby against an open carry law, Orange County sheriff’s records show.

Cox: Justice Ginsburg reminds us what is at stake in November

This November’s election isn’t about the direction of our country over the next four years — it’s about the very survival of our Constitution, our values, and our freedoms as we know them. If freedom loving Americans needed any more evidence for this, U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recently provided it.

Former DEA chief says 3 other federal agencies knew about Operation Fast and Furious

While criticism surrounding Operation Fast and Furious has so far focused on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, three other federal agencies knew about the operation and some of their agents tried to stop it, according to the former chief of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration in Tucson. Tony Coulson, the DEA’s agent in charge of Southern Arizona during Fast and Furious, says many federal field agents knew the ATF was walking guns to Mexico, but supervisors told them to back off when they objected.

Cox: Mexico’s gun problem isn’t traceable to the US

The Post’s assertion that 70 to 80 percent of traceable guns can be traced to the United States has long been discredited. Mexican police trace only a fraction of the guns they seize, and they are specifically trained not to request U.S. traces on guns without U.S. markings, according to Sen. Charles E. Grassley (Iowa), the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Furthermore, according to federal data released in June, 78 percent of firearms submitted for tracing in 2009 and 66 percent of firearms submitted in 2010 were not traced back to final sales by U.S. licensed dealers.

H.R. 2834 / S. 2066 The Recreational Fishing and Hunting Heritage and Opportunities Act

H. R. 2834 / S. 2066 recognizes the rightful place of recreational hunting, fishing, and shooting on Federal lands, supports Executive Order 13443 that directs Federal land management agencies to facilitate the expansion and enhancement of hunting on Federal lands, and ensures sound scientific management of wildlife and their habitat.

Florida: Ignorance of law clears Orange County Sheriff’s top lobbyist in gun controversy

Ignorance of the law helped clear Sheriff Jerry Demings’ political lobbyist of wrongdoing for handing out gun owners’ restricted driver’s license photos last year in Tallahassee to lobby against an open carry law, Orange County sheriff’s records show.

Wayne LaPierre: Obama wants to outlaw guns in 2nd term

A top official with the National Rifle Association said Friday that President Obama will move to “destroy” gun rights and “erase” the Second Amendment if he is re-elected in November.

North Carolina: Local Governments Continue to Restrict Lawful Carry in Public Parks

Some local governments in North Carolina continue to consider or impose unwarranted restrictions on Right-to-Carry (RTC) permit holders in the wake of House Bill 650 going into effect last December 1.  HB 650 was the omnibus firearm reform bill introduced by state Representative Mark Hilton (R-96) at the NRA’s request.

Iowa: NRA Priority Firearm Preemption Bill Pulled from House Committee Agenda

Yesterday, NRA priority House File 2114 was supposed to be voted on by the full state House Public Safety Committee.  Unfortunately, this important firearms preemption legislation was pulled from the committee agenda at the last moment.  Please call AND e-mail members of the state House Public Safety Committee and urge them to consider and vote on this much-needed pro-gun legislation.