The latest Gallup Poll on guns says that 47 percent of Americans now have guns, more than any time since 1993, and women are buying in increasing numbers. Twenty three percent of women report that they are gun owners, that is up from 13 percent in 2005.
Canada: Long gun registry bill back for debate by MPs
Bill C-19 is now at the report stage after being studied by the Public Safety committee. The government gave notice Monday night it’s moving time allocation, which will limit the amount of time the bill can be debated. A vote on time allocation is likely to happen Tuesday, allowing for one more day of debate at the report stage, followed by two days of debate at third reading.
Former Tucson DEA head: Holder either knew of gun walking, or was willfully unaware
Former Tucson Drug Enforcement Administration chief Tony Coulson told The Daily Caller that Attorney General Eric Holder either knew guns were walking during Operation Fast and Furious, or should have known about the deadly practice.
The San Jose Mercury News, San Jose, Calif. 02/02/12
The owner of Tacos El Mazatlan food truck in Oakland, Calif. was cleaning up the area around the truck when a pair of armed criminals approached and demanded money. At first the owner tried to flee, but one of the criminals fired at him, striking him in the back and leg. The owner then took cover, drew a gun and returned fire, wounding one criminal and causing both to retreat to a nearby getaway car. The pair, along with their getaway driver, was captured a short time later when the wounded robber sought medical attention.
The owner of the truck began arming himself after a previous robbery attempt and keeps body armor in the truck as an added precaution.
Sen. Udall calls for hearing for his bill to develop shooting ranges
Today, Mark Udall sent a letter with Senator Jim Risch (R-ID) to the Committee on Environment & Public Works’s Chairwoman Barbara Boxer and Ranking Member James Inhofe, urging them to hold a hearing on his bill to develop shooting ranges open to the public. The Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act (S.1249), which has strong support from hunter and conservation organizations, would give states the flexibility to spend their already allotted Pittman Robertson funds to create or improve public shooting ranges. Holding a hearing on the bill is a step toward having it pass committee and ready to be taken up by the full Senate for a vote. Udall is also organizing Coloradans to support the effort to enhance opportunities for safe recreational shooting in our state; the petition is available HERE.
Virginia: Senate votes to end gun rationing
On a 21-19 vote, the Virginia Senate passed legislation Monday to allow the purchase of more than one handgun a month, foretelling what is likely to be one of the most significant changes in Virginia’s gun laws in 20 years.
Arizona: Senate advances campus carry
Arizona lawmakers Monday advanced a pair of gun rights bills that would expand where firearms could be carried, including a proposal allowing concealed weapons on university campuses.
Pennsylvania: Firearms Preemption Enhancement Bill Moves to the state House floor for Consideration
Today, the state House Judiciary Committee passed House Bill 1523 with a NRA-backed amendment by a 19 to 4 vote. HB 1523 will now go to the full House for second consideration as early as this Wednesday. Anti-gun amendments could still be filed to this bill while it is on second consideration, so it is imperative to call your state Representative TODAY and urge him or her to support HB 1523 and OPPOSE any House floor amendments to it. This much-needed pro-gun bill would make critical changes to enhance Pennsylvania’s firearm preemption law.
Massachusetts: Castle Doctrine Legislation to be Heard Tomorrow
Tomorrow, the state Joint Committee on the Judiciary is scheduled to hear important self-defense legislation at 1:00 p.m. in room B-1 of the State House. Senate Bill 661, Castle Doctrine legislation introduced by state Senator Stephen Brewer, would provide essential protections for law-abiding citizens who defend themselves and their families from a criminal looking to do them harm.
Virginia Senate Passes Legislation to Repeal One-Gun-a-Month Law
Today, the Virginia Senate passed Senate Bill 323 by a 21 to 19 vote. SB 323 would repeal the archaic prohibition of purchasing more than one handgun per month. The House of Delegates passed House Bill 940, its companion to SB 323, by a 66 to 32 vote last week. Since Governor Bob McDonnell has publicly committed to sign this legislation into law if passed by the Virginia General Assembly, the state Senate was the major hurdle in this fight for the restoration of your rights in the Commonwealth.