Yesterday, the New Mexico Senate unanimously passed Senate Bill 26, the NRA- and NMSSA-backed legislation sponsored by state Senator Bill Payne (R-ABQ), which would repeal Section 30-7-9 of the New Mexico Criminal Code. This state law limits the purchase of rifles and shotguns by New Mexico residents to their home state and contiguous states.
Oregon: All Gun Bills Declared Dead on Arrival by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman
In today’s state Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Senate Bills 1550, 1551 and 1574, Chairman Floyd Prozanski (D-4) opened by declaring that all gun-related bills brought forward in the 2012 short legislative session would not advance through his committee. That leaves the fate of NRA-supported House Bill 4045, a Concealed Handgun License (CHL) confidentiality measure, in jeopardy should it advance beyond the House floor vote next week, since it will be assigned to this committee. Today, HB 4045, sponsored by state Representative Kim Thatcher (R-25), passed in the House Judiciary Committee work session by a 7 to 3 vote.
West Virginia: Apprentice Hunting Legislation Passes Senate Committee
Today, the state Senate Natural Resources Committee passed Senate Bill 478, which would create an apprentice hunting license that is available to West Virginia residents and non-residents. Two amendments were added in committee, the first being that the legislation, if passed, would take effect in 2013. The second amendment would make it so that hunters who have purchased a regular (non-apprentice) hunting license previously, either in West Virginia or another state, would not be eligible to purchase the West Virginia apprentice hunting license.
West Virginia: Apprentice Hunting Legislation Passes Senate Committee
Today, the state Senate Natural Resources Committee passed Senate Bill 478, which would create an apprentice hunting license that is available to West Virginia residents and non-residents. Two amendments were added in committee, the first being that the legislation, if passed, would take effect in 2013. The second amendment would make it so that hunters who have purchased a regular (non-apprentice) hunting license previously, either in West Virginia or another state, would not be eligible to purchase the West Virginia apprentice hunting license.
Chris Cox: Attorney General Holder tells Congress the Obama administration wants to ban guns
In a rash attempt to deflect attention away from himself and his own irresponsibility, Holder let Congress know that the Obama administration is still working toward the day when it can reinstate former President Bill Clinton’s so-called “assault weapons” ban.
Virginia: Pro-Gun Legislation Passes House; Also House Subcommittee to Hear Firearm-Related Bills
Today, the Virginia House of Delegates passed two pro-gun bills: House Bill 25 and House Bill 754. HB 25 passed in the state House by an 81 to 17 vote and HB 754 passed by a 74 to 22 vote. Both bills will now go to the Virginia Senate for its consideration.
NRA Priority Firearm Preemption Bill Moving Forward in Iowa Legislature
Another NRA priority bill is moving forward in the Iowa House of Representatives. House File 2114, the firearms preemption legislation, passed the state House Public Safety Subcommittee yesterday by a 2 to 1 vote. State Representatives Matt Windschitl (R-56) and Dwayne Alons (R-4) supported this critical legislation, while state Representative Rick Olson (D-68) voted against it. HF 2114 has been scheduled to be voted on by the full House Public Safety Committee TOMORROW.
Pennsylvania: Firearms Preemption Enhancement Bill Scheduled to be Considered on the state House floor TODAY
Today, House Bill 1523 will be before the full House for its second consideration. As predicted, at least thirteen anti-gun amendments have been filed to the bill for second consideration. These amendments range from “ballistic imaging” mandate to gutting the current “state preemption” statute. It is imperative that you call AND e-mail your state Representative THIS MORNING and urge him or her to support HB 1523 and OPPOSE any and all House floor amendments. This much-needed pro-gun bill would make critical changes to enhance Pennsylvania’s firearm preemption law.
Canada: Conservatives limit debate on long gun registry
The contentious long gun registry is getting closer to its date with the firing squad.Candice Hoeppner, parliamentary secretary to Public Safety Minister Vic Toews, said in a statement that the government is “one step closer to eliminating the wasteful and ineffective long gun registry once and for all.”
Bill would add gun rights to Iowa Constitution
A proposed constitutional amendment that would make it harder for officials to limit who can buy and carry a gun is expected to come before Iowa lawmakers soon, and a key legislator said he’s optimistic about its chances.